Hi Mean Drake

On Tue, 28 Sep 2004, at 04:25:12 [GMT +0530] (which was 3:55 PM where
I live) you wrote:

> Compressing reclaims space space locally and makes folder easier to
> read for TB by removing the dead space of already deleted mails from
> folders. Purging on IMAP will permanently delete emails in the inbox
> on server that have been marked for deletion.

This is incorrect. Allie is correct in his description.

From the TB documentation

The "Purge" action will result in marking messages as deleted in
folders where the messages either exceed the "Keep for nn days"
property of the folder or exceed the folder's maximum message count,
in which case older messages are marked deleted. This helps you to
automatically manage the amount of space your mail base occupies as
time goes by. (this is not available for IMAP as Allie indicated)

Purge can be useful, for example, in a folder where you keep weekly
price lists, a 7 day purge will make sure that only the current price
list is kept.

These messages stay in place, unseen, until the folder is Compressed.

The "Compress" option removes messages marked as deleted from the
message base files. This should be done periodically to keep used
space to a minimum and to reclaim the space freed in purge, delete and
filter operations.

Best Regards,

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