
Friday, October 1, 2004, 17:27, Michael Acklin wrote:
> Finally figured it out. You have to put the rogues.msl and rogues
> directory in the "Images" director in the Bat! folder. Here's my set
> up now...

Ah... now it works again...

BTW, anybody know how to rewrite the subject line without "*** GMX
Spamverdacht ***"?

My meagre attempts at %SETPATTREGEXP do not work.

Or everybody can just disable their X-Mailer setting... ;)

Thorvald Neumann | <http://www.aesir.de/>
(who is happily using folder templates)
| The Bat! v3.0.1 RC1
| PopFile v0.22.0
| Windows 2000 SP4 (v5.0.2195)
> Listening to: DeutschlandRadio Berlin                                                

Current version is 3.00.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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