Hi, everyone.

Because no one responded to my query about whether or
not The Bat! 3.0 automatically converts, at the time of
sending, any Windows 1251 (Cyrillic) text in a message to
KOI8-R encoding, I wanted to provide an update -- for the
benefit of others who might wish to have Russian text in
their signature file, but are not running a localized (Russian)
version of Windows. (I appear to be the only user of TB!
that has such esoteric concerns, I realize.) ;-)

I created a text message with a Windows-1251-encoded
signature file (because The Bat! would accept no other
type of Cyrillic encoding), but with a body text in KOI8-R
format. (I had to use the Unicode text editor, EmEditor
Professional, to save the file in Windows 1251 format,
by the way.)

I sent that message to three other e-mail addresses --
including the one I use with SuSE Linux Professional,
using KMail as my e-mail client (and with KMail configured
to accept e-mail as text-only, for security).

I each of the three cases, the Windows 1251 signature
file arrived intact as part of the message, and the header
of each message indicated that the message was
encoded in KOI8-R format.

Because this test worked on Linux, I assume that my
attempt to resolve this issue has been a success --
unless, of course, KMail was programmed in such a way
that *it* converted the Windows 1251 text to KOI8-R
(a question that I cannot answer, unfortunately).

I hope that this information is of use to someone! As I
stated in my original query, some e-mail clients do
automatically convert Windows 1251 Russian text to
KOI8-R, at the time that a message is sent, but no
one responded to my question as to whether or not
The Bat! performs such "on the fly" encoding.

Thank you!


David M. Dickerson
URL: http://ddickerson.igc.org/

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________________________________________________ Current version is 3.00.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information: http://www.silverstones.com/thebat/TBUDLInfo.html

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