Hello Allie,

Wednesday, October 20, 2004, 12:03:42 PM, you wrote:

> On Wednesday, October 20, 2004 at 1:21:44 AM [GMT -0500], Morpheus
> wrote:

>> It gives me no pleasure to report that requesting the emails direct
>> has made no difference at all to the appearance of some emails, they
>> are still being stripped.

> Have you tried another e-mail client to see what happens?

I recently transferred my mail from Poco Mail to TheBat! I had not
experienced this problem with mail before this exchange...........
however there is more to this than this simple statement......if I may

When I heard about the wondrous things TheBat! could do with handling
spam I decided to lift all my redirection email addresses which were
currently going into an account at mailinator.com and have them once
again bombard me with spam so that I could try and teach BayesIT how
to recognise an avalanche of spam. 95% of my spam was going unseen but
there were odd iems that kept getting through the net and as I like to
tinker I thought I could get TheBat! to spamate them once and for all.

So to tell the truth Poco Mail has never received any spam mail so I
cannot say for certain that it did not have this problem before the

I have had my domain name for several years and as such I am have been
found by up to 50 spammers a day so TheBat! gets a good workout :-) I
have only lost one email that I did not want to lose all the rest that
have been stripped have been crap mail. Bonafide mail does not seem to
be affected at all. In fact I opened a hotmail account and sent myself
a message to see if it was stripped and it was not so I
suspect it is those emails that contain only a HREF to an external
image and no content. And this leads me to suspect BayesIT is the
guilty party with some internal flag to render this type of email


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