
Wednesday, October 6, 2004, 9:17:29 AM, you wrote:

>>   I also use TB (v2) on a multi-monitor (3) configuration.
IL>  Do you have a physical 3 screens or virtual ?

I have three physical monitors attached to three physical
video cards (AGP GeForce 2/MX, PCI Diamond Viper 550, PCI
3Dfx Banshee) and use the multi-monitor capability that is
built in to Windows 2000 (which is also in WinME and WinXP).
I've never seen the point of different virtual screens,
since if I'm able to keep track of that many windows on ONE
physical screen anyway, what's the difference?

IL>  I tried on 2 physical screens, works fine. Since application
IL> have no idea that there are more than 1 screen.

I write Windows software for a living and I can say with
assurance that applications that have no idea there is more
than one screen simply haven't checked.  There are standard
system calls to get the number, size, resolution, color depth,
etc. of every active display.  There is probably a call to
determine the layout of the displays, too, but I haven't needed
that one yet.

>>   And since I use TB2, I doubt it will ever be fixed because
>>   I get a strong impression that v2 has been abandoned.  RIT
>>   wants us to pay for v3 to get features we neither need nor
>>   want in order to get bug fixes to v2 that haven't even been
>>   implemented.

IL> "Welcome to the real world" (c) A black guy with a blue pills
IL> from a place that calls Matrix.

Yup.  But since I have the "privilege" of supporting software
that is sometimes as much as 20 years old (but typically only
about 5-8 yrs old), I've developed a strong belief that all
abandoned (AKA unsupported) software should be either:

 (A) Automatically entered into the public domain, WITH source,
     so that someone else may maintain it.

 (B) Upgraded (for FREE) to the next supported version.

(Sorry I took so long to respond, I was out of town)
Steve Valliere            | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Electronic Visions, Inc.  | http://www.e-visions.com
1650 Barrett Dr           | Voice (321) 632-7530
Rockledge, FL  32955      | Fax (321) 632-3396

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