Hello Allie,

Thursday, November 11, 2004, 9:53:26 AM, you wrote:
>> Am I going mad, or is there no way to alter the position of the
>> attachment pane on the *compose* window? I'm using MicroEd and plain
>> text.

AM> No there's no way to do this. I wish there were though. <sigh>

Yeah - now that I've got over my frustrations with TB's version rush
*and* my outside bet, Bloomba, has been killed off by Yahoo I'm back
into TB for the long haul.

Perhaps I'll go to TBOT with this one day, but I really think that
we're ready for a next-generation e-mail solution, along the lines of
Bloomba or Nelson Email Organizer. I'd be running NEO today if it
didn't sit on top of Outlook...


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