Matt Thoene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello everyone...
> I know that Marck keeps a great library of templates, macros, and some
> filters...but I think there may be some other very cool filters out
> there that are not on his site. I feel like I'm not taking full
> advantage of how powerful the filtering is with TB.
> I'd like this to be a "reply with your coolest filter" thread. I'd
> start it, but the last thing mine are is cool...boring comes to mind
> really...
> Anyone??

Not a cool filter, but cool template use OK? (I'm sure they are all going to be
boring cause they are all so dang personalized, no?). Something very simple, but
which *I am* finding absolutely delightful. 

Where is that site, btw, please?

My Story:
Recently started looking for a new F/T job, but getting swarmed with contract
e-mails. I'm sure they are mostly broadcast, but I wanted to reply EASILY on the
off-chance one was legit or might lead to something (it's a volume game). (and
by the way, when I came up with this it blew my mind.) I used a quick template
that politely told them "not me, but if you have something else F/T, sure,
here's my res." 

I use several e-mail aliases (each job board) to track and keep the spam down,
which is why I *LOVE* the first line of my template, makes sure to use the alias
they sent to as the from. The handle is "contract". Type that, hit Ctrl-Space,
quick visual check, and then send, and I'm done. 2 seconds, tops:


[yadda, yadda, Thanks, but no thanks, but here's the res.]

Attachments:  %ATTACHMENTS

And then use a send filter to put it in a special "Sent job" sub folder. I
filter on the file/attachment name.



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