Hello Mica,

Thursday, December 16, 2004, 11:59:33 AM, you wrote:

MM> I suspect some other things as well, lately: that spammers subscribe to
MM> the lists in order to harvest addresses.
MM> As I see, you have your "mailto" in the body of your messages. Could
MM> that be the possible cause?

Thatīs the funny thing. I DONTīT get spam to the mail I write with
smoke in the sky for everyone to see! And instead, I get a lot from an
account that Iīve never accesed since creation, a month ago. Being
honest, they all start with dduca, and theyīre all listed in my PGP
key, but I donīt believe they go harvest there.

MM> Another reason for this suspicion of mine, is this: if I write something
MM> about illegal software, I start to receive offerings related to "cheap
MM> software"; if I write something about drugs, I get heaps of related
MM> offerings

FYI, Iīm subscribed to around 30 lists, some for ex-jobs I like to get
current (Iīm working in a hotel since 2002 and the Argentine crisis)
just in case. Pharmaceutical (I have a degree in chemistry), telecoms
(worked there too), some personals including RPGs, Magic the gathering
(yeah, I know), school, college and university ex-student groups, RC
modeling, and some computer-related. I donīt browse for porn, since
(a), Iīm married quite recently, and (b), letīs be honest, itīs easier
and cheaper to rent. So... I donīt get a pattern. Oh, and itīs
beginning to get heavier on nig-419. No messages about toys, nor
models, nor drugs (except the viagra-enlargement), nor games.

I think about the same as you, bt I canīt confirm that suspicion with
facts... (-8

MM> if I write about sex, I get an avalanche of these... enlargement offerings.
MM> Honestly, I do not need any of these three, *especially* not *some* of them.

And thereīs no way to tell them that 95% of the girls like it as we
like Coke, regular, please... (-8

PD: All that typing, and my mate got cold ;-)

Best regards,                             mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
            | The Bat! + K9 v1.28
            | MyMacros 1.11a 
            | Windows XP Build 2600

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