
On Saturday 1 January 2005 at 6:30:16 PM, in
<mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Darrin Rich wrote:

PM>> BTW, where can I obtain your public PGP key?

> Here http://www.sidnak.net/pgp/

I imported your key by copying and pasting from your website.

Unfortunately, when I press the button marked "Import KeyID:
0xA3B4AFA5" an Alert box pops up saying "The URL is not valid and
cannot be loaded". It seems to be trying to link to "http:///";.
(In case it's relevant, I'm using Firefox.)

Replacing <a href="http://";>
with <a href="http://www.sidnak.net/pgp/0xA3B4AFA5.zip";>
worked when I tried it locally.

Best regards,
MFPA                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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