ON Tuesday, January 11, 2005, 10:10:09 AM, you wrote:
>> What conditions have to be met to have B or C executed?

ASK> For B to be executed, A and B must be there of course.
ASK> For C to be executed, A and C must be there.

>> I thought you would have to meet Condition A but that will only
>> execute 1. There is no indication that B or C are processed.

ASK> Do you have "continue processing" enabled with Filter 1?


I found that there MUST be a condition 1 with A.
I did not have a condition 1, so TB! felt it not useful to have a look at
condition B & C when A was true.

I no have it change the color group :-)

So, I am up and running, thanks for your help.

Best regards,
If a golfer chooses to compete, he must choose to believe that he can win.
Winners and losers in life are completely self-determined, but only the winners
are willing to admit it.

Using The Bat! v3.0.1.33 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

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