Hello Arie!

On Saturday, January 15, 2005, 7:56 AM, you wrote:

> how can I clear the history for the "to" field when creating a message?
> I can't find it anywere

I'm not sure what you want to do.

However, in Help/Help Topics/Index/Find I typed in the word "history"
and found two topics to display. Both looked somewhat relevant. I'm
quoting this one:

Message header

By default, Outgoing mail headers consist of six fields: From,
Reply-To, To, CC, BCC, Subject and Follow up. All of these fields can
be directly edited. To move the cursor from field to field, press the
Tab key, use Up/Down arrows or click in the desired field with the
mouse. Most header fields have a drop-down history list, which can be
used for auto-complete and also can be activated by the <Alt+Down>
keystroke. The history lists can be edited when on screen using the
<Del> key to remove unwanted entries and the <Space> key to "Park"
entries in the list.

Addressee fields (To, CC and BCC) have quick buttons to invoke the
address selection dialog. You can also use the <Shift+Enter> keystroke
for this. Another feature is the quick address pop-up menu which can
be invoked either by pressing <Alt+Enter> or by using a right mouse
click - the context menu contains addresses from the address book
which have the "Add to pop-up menu" option set. When you type an
address, you can press <Ctrl+Plus> to let The Bat! find an addressee
with the name or address beginning with whatever you have typed,
pressing <Ctrl+Plus> again takes you to the next addressee with a
matching name or address.

Further, one way to see these options is to right-click one's mouse.

Off-Topic question: Just curious, why are you using Mozilla
Thunderbird to ask a question about The Bat! (apparently) on a TB!
mailing list?

On-Topic request: To help me out a bit, could you please include a
signature de-limiter with your messages (like mine below
<dash-dash-space-enter> ). You can read about it in the Welcome
message you got when you subscribed to this list, or, also, in the
Monthly Mission Statement sent automatically by the software of the
List Moderators.

I'm not trying to be a moderator, here. I just don't enjoy dealing
with the "footers" which get quoted by The Bat!'s Reply function, when
people don't type in a proper "cut-line." Simply omitting a signature
as you did in the message to which I'm replying will not eliminate the
quoting of the automatically added footers on this list.

Which footers, by the way, are very convenient and useful to have, as
they take one to a website full of extremely useful information about
The Bat!

I hope my quote of the Help file, above, does help you a little bit,
anyway. :)

Best regards,
The Bat! on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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