Peter Fjelsten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on 2005-Jan-20 at Thu PM 12:17:51 EST, 

> Yes. But it should be pretty easy for RitLabs to look at the source for
> Thunderbird (it being open) and pore over what _they_ have done to get
> it all to work as well (?) as it does. :)

It may be possible for Rit Labs to use some of the code in The Bat! according 
to section 3.7 of 
the Mozilla Public License:

You may create a Larger Work by combining Covered Code with other code not 
governed by the 
terms of this License and distribute the Larger Work  as a single product. In 
such a case, You 
must make sure the requirements  of this License are fulfilled for the Covered 

However, section 3.2 clearly states:

Any Modification which You create or to which You contribute must be made 
available in Source 
Code form under the terms of this License either on  the same media as an 
Executable version or 
via an accepted Electronic  Distribution Mechanism to anyone to whom you made 
an Executable 
version  available; and if made available via Electronic Distribution 
Mechanism,  must remain 
available for at least twelve (12) months after the date it  initially became 
available, or at least six 
(6) months after a subsequent  version of that particular Modification has been 
made available to 
such  recipients. You are responsible for ensuring that the Source Code version 
available even if the Electronic Distribution Mechanism is  maintained by a 
third party.

>From what I understand (I am not a lawyer), extracting some of the code and 
>using it is another 
application would be a modification, so the source of that file, at least, 
would need to be 

Also, Thunderbird is written in C++; The Bat! is written in Delphi.

Finally, most developers consider it either bad taste or a violation of 
open-source licenses to 
look at code and then re-implement the same functionality.

Chris Warrington (using WebMail)


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