Hello Thomas!

On Saturday, February 26, 2005, 9:08 AM, you wrote:

> You are right about this, but there is a features request out there
> wishing for an option to "store sent messages in the folder that is
> active when message is created" or something like that. This would
> improve usability.

I agree that it would be desirable for some people, but I'd prefer to
keep it optional. I find it useful (for myself) to have all Sent mails
in the Sent folder, with copies in a few folders where I have ongoing
correspondence with an individual.

I frequently reply from the Inbox to individuals or corporations that
I'm in touch with only rarely. I prefer to have the Reply in the Sent
folder and then manually move both message and reply to the
appropriate folder.

TB! is working extremely well for my purposes just as it is. I can't
praise the New Filter System enough from my own point of view.

But I'm a bit more of a hands-on person than most. Even with the rare
occurrence of 750 mails on the Message Dispatcher, I still look at
each one-by-one before downloading.

And I truly do not enjoy "threading." I store all my messages
chronologically, sorted by "none."

I don't have to filter against Spam, since (knock on wood) I am
offered no Spam at present.

Well--there I go again, wandering. I've touched on three separate
aspects of The Bat! Still, tangentially, all fit the subject line, so
please forgive me. :)

Best regards,
The Bat! on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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