Hallo z5worg,

On Sat, 16 Apr 2005 00:07:49 -0400GMT (16-4-2005, 6:07 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

Z> I didn't see any response to my previous post. So I am trying again. I
Z> did a backup today; and get the same 2 messages. Hope some one has the
Z> answer.

Most likely that is because nobody has definite answers to your
questions. But since you're desperate for answers, here are two

Z> 1. TheBat.exe - No disk -- There is no disk in the drive. Please insert
Z> a disk into drive A: [This message seems to happen at Account YYYY.]

Check all account properties for that account whether there's nothing
that's referencing to something on drive A: It might be that TB
doesn't want to write to A: but in stead wants to read something.

Z> 2.  An error occured while storing data of the folder XXXXX.  It is
Z> possible that the message index is damaged - try to delete the index
Z> file and re-read the folder, then try to backup again.

Create a new folder,
make TB move all messages from your problem folder to this new folder,
close TB
delete the messages.tbb and .tbi files for your problem folder
start TB
move all messages back

Follow the same procedure for the folder before and the folder
immediately after the problem folder. (Just to make sure that you've
pinpointed the right folder as causing problems.)

When this procedure causes problems it might be that you've got a
virus infected message in your folder, in that case disable your virus
scanner, find the infected message, delete it, compress the folder,
enable your virus scanner and try it again.

I can't guarantee that this solves your problems, but it might help.

Groetjes, Roelof

Windows: Ultimate memory manager.  It manages to use it all.

The Bat! Return
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
1 pop3 account, server on LAN

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