Hello Alexander,
Thursday, April 28, 2005, 9:59:24 AM, you wrote:

>> I meant, that when I got a mail, I have smileys. But should not it
>> show up when I am composing a HTML message?

> IMO, smileys (sp? smilies?) are graphical elements and you can add
> them to an HTML message as such yourself.

> I'll only vote yes on this if I get *this* as bold and _that_ as
> underlined and /those/ as italics auto-interpreted, too. ;-)

My IRC client handles *this* as bold, and _this_ as underlined... I
quite like it, though not many people understand it when they use
outlook, and can very easily hit the [B] or the [U] buttons ;) My IRC
client doesn't support /italics/ though, it is ran in a terminal, no
slanting there ;)

Jonathan Angliss

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