Hi Shefan,

I hope this helps.  It would resolve all the threading issues at a
stroke now you have the improved system on v3.

The way we did it in VA (sorry to keep bringing that up) was to always
have the threads opened by default but use the Return key to move to
the next unread message. In use it is smooth and elegant.  If you accidentally
hit return when you did not mean to then CTRL-Z would bring you back
to the previous message(s).

Unlike in The Bat! and Outlook, the messages in VA never changed
status from unread to read in x seconds while reading.  Instead, hitting the 
key to move to the next message marked it as unread.  From a user
point of view it is very elegant working that way and is great when
you have to work your way through a load of messages you have no
interest in (like on mailing lists!).  Just hit the return key bang
bang bang there is a good one.  Bang bang bang ...oops...CTRL-Z.  See
what I mean?

SL>> Is there are away to automatically open any threads with unread
SL>> messages to save having to click one's way down the chain?

> Funny enough, I was talking about the same thing a couple of days ago.
> Basically, it's not a problem to expand threads automatically to make
> unread messages visible, but for massive threads like we have in TB!
> lists, it would jam screen with the same thread making neighbour
> threads with unread messages out of the screen. If you're using
> keyboard most of time, Ctrl+Left/Right would be better
> (Ctrl+Shift+Left/Right in preview pane).

Best wishes,

Steve Lee
Tel +44 7768 211612

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