Hello Steve!

On Saturday, May 14, 2005, 1:14 PM, you wrote, in part:

> <now how do I put in one of those smileys everyone is so keen on?>

Smileys work from text handles that call images. You cannot view them
in the Edit Mail Message window.

To view them in View Message windows of any kind (including VFs and
Browse Mail Ticker), you have to select RTV. A handy right-click
context menu for the message body will let you switch from PTV to RTV.
In that same menu, tick the box for Smileys.

(There's a place in the Main Window Options/Preferences/Viewer-Editor
to choose HTML/Rich Text View, plus a check box for Smileys, also.)

You have a set of Default Smileys plus their .msl handles in The
Bat!/Images folder.

To put one of those in, just type the handle (or c&p it into your
message body text.) Be sure to include the enclosing colons ( : : )
with no space between handle and colons. Important: be sure to have a
space on either "outside" of the colons.

To use the additional images (not all of them Smileys, though we have
them on the Smiley page--we have a large collection of flags, too),
download them from:


Put the pcwimages folder in The Bat!/Images. Also, put the
pcwsmileys.msl file in The Bat!/Images.

The Default folder there is your collection of images that came with
TB!, and default.msl, which you can open in a text reader such as
Notepad is your collection of handles for those.

So, after you get the PCWize Smiley page Smileys, you'll have 2
folders and 2 .msl files in The Bat!/Images.

Forgive me if I'm redundant. A look in the Images folder alone would
have been enough for you to figure this out, I'm sure.

If I haven't told this clearly, please ask. I guess I really should
work up a QT with a mini-tutorial for answering questions about using
Smileys. :)

I'm tickled to tell you how to play with these, as I am the Official
Keeper of the Smileys! :) Hope it's okay to brag--actually I'm just
Leif Gregory's helper with this.

9Val had the original Smileys-called-from-text-handles idea, and then
Leif (I think with some more input from 9Val), expanded on it. Some of
us on TBOT were privileged to help beta-test the page, and then Leif
asked if I would help him out as the page's administrator.

Die-hard PTV users don't have much use for the concept. Others, like
me, have had an immense amount of fun with them. :)

Best regards,
Mary, PCWSmileys Administrator
The Bat! 3.5 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

Current version is 3.5 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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