On Mon 16-May-05 5:56pm -0500, Mic Cullen wrote:

> At 20:32 [GMT+0200] on Monday May 16 (actual time
> - 2:32am on Tuesday in Perth,
> Western Australia), you wrote:

>>> This feature appears to have been added at the last
>>> minute without any significant testing.

MAU>> Don't say that in TBBeta list or someone may kill you ;-)

> Well, it'd hardly be the first time that sentiment had been expressed :-)

Thanks for responding - MAU's message didn't arrive
here :-(


If there was significant testing of the keyboard
shortcuts, then either the testers missed some obvious
flaws or Ritlabs ignored their suggestions.

Having said that, I'm grateful to both Ritlabs and the
beta testers for attempting to improve the product.

Best regards,

3.5 Pro  BayesIt! 0.8.1  X-Ray  XP Pro SP2  POP3

Current version is 3.5 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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