> In order to easily identify emails from this group trapped in our spam
> filters can all subject fields please be prefixed with [The Bat!] if
> you have control over the emailer software used?

  Why can't you just sort on list email adresses?!? You can not rely on 
  each user to insert a tag - it won't work! There would be no lasting
  standard unless list admin is deciding something. Relying on users to
  insert tags manually, would be to rely on a tag anarchy. 

  Sort messages on (list) recipient:

  TBUDL = tbudl@thebat.dutaint.com
  TBBETA = tbbeta@thebat.dutaint.com
  and so on.

  I understand your problem - I, too, got tired of the lack of "proper" 
  subject tags that "some" mailing lists have. I just designed a plug-in
  for my TB featuring a bunch of *very* useful things (ie. a *terrific* 
  anti-spam system). One feture I eventually added was one that inserts
  the "correct" subject tag for any mailing list ("TBUDL", "TBBTEA", etc.).
  It works perfect, and it looks GOOD, too! :) (It even converts "improper"
  subject tags into "proper" subject tags if I am not happy with the ones 
  provided! ;).

  Like I said, you can not rely on each user to insert a tag. You must do
  it yourself unless the list admin fixes it.

> I would hate to accidentally report genuine emails as spam at Spamcop
> for instance.



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