Hello Fredrik,

  A reminder of what Fredrik Bergström typed on:
  May 18, 2005 at 10:44:41 GMT +0200

>> Is it just me or is the left-hand folder view behaving oddly.

>> I mean when it is opened so that folder tree is longer
>> vertically than the pane and the
>> scroll bar comes into operation (or not).

>> It isreally difficult to put into words what is happening but the scroll bar 
>> action - like
>> clicking in the empty scroll bar space / dragging the bar up and down is 
>> just not behaving
>> as it does normally.

FB>  Hum, maybe connected to my problem?

FB>  1. Firstly all the e-mail accounts in the tree list are "closed" and I'm at
FB>  the top, everything fits inside the window so no scrollbars.

FB>  2. Then I expand one of the accounts (not the first) that had a couple
FB>  of folders. Enough folders to enable scrollbars.

FB>  3. Then I scoll down (the account still visible), and close it.

FB>  4. Since everything fits in the window the scrollbars dissapear, but it
FB>  does not scoll up again, so I have to use the scrollwheel on the
FB>  mouse to scroll up to the top again.

FB>  One other thing is when in 3. click on the empty lower scollbar
FB>  space, and it will scroll much more than if just using the scrollbar
FB>  handle.

Yes these issues have been around for the whole beta series.

Best regards,
 Stuart                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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