On Thu, 19 May 2005 09:41:35 +0100, Barry wrote:

> On Mon, 16 May 2005 07:58:12 -0500, Stuart Cuddy wrote:
>> No help, but misery loves company. ;) I am getting the same message.
> Seems to be a Bayesit problem as the error is reported in the bayesit.log
> at the end of the session.
> 19.05.2005 08:57:25
> TBP_Finalize function: exception C0000005 at C0000005
> Non-fatal
> Line (important!) = 14
> Parameter 0=00000000
> Parameter 1=8B6D0809

Got it!

It's a Bayesit install issue.

Somehow TB thought that my installation of Bayesit was still 0.8.0 even
though the plugin selected was the correct file, 0.8.1

It was a bugger to get TB to recognise the newest plugin file but
perseverance prevailed.

Finally I had to find the location of the language file (*.lng) and once
that was correctly selected everything now seems to be OK.

I suspect that the problem was due to the fact that my plugin was not
located in the default place. I have my Mail Folder on a different
partition which is where the Bayesit Plugin was also located.

Best regards

Using TheBat! version 3.5
and BayesIt! 0.8.1 Release

Current version is 3.5 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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