
On Tuesday 7 June 2005 at 10:54:29 PM, in
<mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Martin Schuster wrote:

> Hello Roelof,

M>>> Just noticed: when the first message of a thread is colored and the
M>>> thread is collapsed and there are still unread messages below the
M>>> coloring gets lost.

>> Not over here.
>> When you defined the color group, did you enter settings for 'unread'?

> Confirmed: I was just too blind to see there is a second setting for
> "unread" °!°
> ...thanks Roelof

Here, I have most messages Red on black background and a "messages
I have read" colour group (applied by a "read messages" filter) of
white on black background. In both cases, bold for unread.

The behaviour this gives (which is what I wanted) is that an
unread message is bold and red, a read message that has unread
messages below in the same thread is bold and white, and other
read messages are white but not bold. If I view a message and move
it to another folder then it is usually red but not bold (unless I
change it).

Best regards,

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