Hi John Phillips,
On Saturday, June 11, 2005, you wrote:

> I can please only one person per day. Today is not your day. Tomorrow

I noticed this at the bottom of your signature.  I think there is
either a mistake here, or in your signature file.  I think the full
quote is something like:

  "I can please only one person per day.  Today is not your day.
  Tomorrow isn't looking good either".

Or something to that affect. Are you using a cookie file? Or is this
cookie in your account properties? Or is this a template? Is it
correct in either location? Was it the intention to leave it
incomplete? :)

From past experience, if you want your cookie to appear on multiple
lines, you have to use the \n characters in the cookie itself to wrap
it.  For example:

  I can please only\none person per day.

This would have the effect of:

  I can please only
  one person per day.

Note it really is the characters \ and n and not a line feed
character. If you put a line feed (enter key) in the cookie file,
TheBat treats them as separate cookies. I think this is documented
somewhere in the help file (probably a little better explained than I
have managed).

Jonathan Angliss

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