Hello Avi & everyone else,

on 16-Jun-2005 at 22:54 you ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

>> If you want to use both the new and the old account, you have to copy
>> the existing filters to the new account. If you filter messages from the
>> new account to the folders of the old account, you have to be careful
>> with the identity you're using (in other words, the FROM: address).

> And, indeed, I want to keep the same filters, but don't want two folders
> for say, "The Bat" mail. There should be only one TBUDL folder with mail
> from both the old and new accounts that is TBUDL mail going into one and
> the same folder during the period of overlapping accounts.

The you should filter into the folders of your other (old) account, and...

> However, MFPA suggests that if I filter mail coming in to the new account
> into the old folders, replies to mail that comes in through the new
> account server will appear to come from the old account.

...you can fix the FROM address another way.

My suggestion would be that you create an addressbook template (either for
single addresses or for an entire address book group) where you set the
account and FROM address to use for outgoing messages in a template, using
a macro combination of...


The first one sets the account to use, the second clears the old FROM
field, and the thing one sets the new FROM field. The trailing "%-" behind
the macros only make sure that no extra empty lines are inserted.

One thing remains, you need to transfer the filters from your old account
to the new one. Depending on how many filters you have, you can either Copy
and Paste them one by one from the sorting office of the old account to the
sorting office of the new account - or, if you have many many filters, you
Copy them from the old account (one by one) and Paste them into a single
textfile (in Notepad or somewhere), then you Copy the entire textfile and
Paste it into the sorting office of the new account (in one go).

I hope my memory serves me right with the filter copying, someone please
correct me if I'm wrong.

Best regards,
 Alexander (http://www.neurowerx.de - ICQ 238153981)

The development of Hydro-electric power in the desert of North America
awaits only the introduction of water. -- Statement in "Nuclear News"

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