Hello MFPA,

> Any virtual folder "watches" other folders (and displays messages
> in those folders that match the filter you have set for the
> virtual folder).

I can't follow you completely on that point: the chat folder I created
(when selecting a message for "Watch Replies In") doesn't have the tab
"Filter" that a "normal" VF has. I can only fill that chat folder
by selecting a message to "Watch Replies in" that folder (or by some
other methods I don't know about).

In a normal VF however I always get displayed the messages that match
the filter settings in the filter tab of the folder's properties. I
couldn't make a normal VF display only the "Watch Replies in"

Maybe you can explain the secrets ;-) ?

TB! 3.51.3 on Windows 2000 5.0 Service Pack 4

Current version is 3.51 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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