On Mon, 08 Aug 2005 04:00:01 +0200, Vili <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

HJM> IMO,  it  wouldn't  hurt some of you to stop taking yourselves so
HJM> seriously,  and  lighten up a bit. I'm having major problems. I'm
HJM> angry, I'm frustrated, and tired.

And  because  of it you are making other people angry... Your mail was
not  funny  (at  least  I  did  not  laugh  at it), next time use some

COME ON! Osama Bin Laden converts to Roman Catholism? Do you really need a smiley behind that?

It  just  shows a weak character, nothing more, if someone put his/her
anger/frustration on other people.

Maybe it also shows weak character if people have to publically start to rant? I don't really care about the lengthy spellchequer thread, but I simply ignore it, it doesn't bother me, so please let "us" solve Jack's problems with TB, thats what this list is here for, and if you don't care about the human touch he adds, simply *ignore* it, but stop publically attacking him, thats simply RUDE.


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