Hello Handsome Jack Morrison & everyone else,

on 08-Aug-2005 at 00:39 you (Handsome Jack Morrison) wrote:

> I was going to find the "old" account file folder (e.g., the one
> labeled "John Doe"), select it, and then hit Ctrl-C.

> Then I was going to find the "new" account file folder, select it, and
> hit Ctrl-V.

Yes, thats perfect.

> I think we just have a bit of a semantics problem. By "all at once," I
> thought you meant all at the same time.

> Yes, I have 10 accounts.  And I was planning on copying the "old"
> accounts over to the "new" accounts -- but one at a time.

Yes, thats OK.

But in your account directory for "John Doe", there are still single files,
like "account.cfn", "account.srb", etc. etc. - those are the single files I
was referring to. :-)

> I really shouldn't try this in my present state of mind, plus it's
> getting late. So I'm going to sleep on it again. I've printed out all of
> your messages, and I'm going to read them, then read them again, then
> read them again, and then maybe give it a shot (if I happen to experience
> one of those "Eureka!" moments while reading them).

> Or, I may just decide to leave well enough alone, and just cut my losses.
> I couldn't go through this again. I just couldn't.

As I said in my previous message, there WILL be a point where TB won't
start, namely when you copy back the corrupted account files. That will be
an "Eureka!" point - we've found them! :-)

The rest I already explained to you. You put these printouts under your
pillow and slept well, I hope? ;-)

Best regards,
 Alexander (http://www.neurowerx.de - ICQ 238153981)

I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, and
diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a
prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all
undiscovered before me." - Sir Isaac Newton

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