Hello Costas Papadopoulos,

> Hello Edvinas,

> Wednesday, August 17, 2005, 5:21:49 PM, you wrote (possibly edited):

>> Well,  it's  just workaround, problem still persist in The Bat! It's
>> not  a solution to switch between windows default locales to be able
>> to use national characters in subjects.

>> I use non greek locale and your greek characters are gone in my subject.

> Let's  hope  that  The Bat developers correct this soon, so as to make
> The Bat a truly international email application.

I'm not sure I am getting what you are referring to.  I receive
massive amounts of Russian [EMAIL PROTECTED], and all the Cyrillic characters 
_correctly_ in the subject lines.  I am set to 'English Caribbean'
locale.  Perhaps it is a header lacking to specify the proper content?

Warmest tropical wishes,

Quote for the moment:
"How can I miss you if you never go away?"

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 X    Say NO! to bloatmail - ban HTML mail!
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      especially the new AOL implementation!

Composed & sent using TheBat! v2.12.00, hamstrung 
by Windows XP 5.1, Build 2600 Service Pack 2
on a Toshiba Satellite P25-S5261 / P4-3.2GHz with 
2GB RAM / 200GB HDD (100GB X2)

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