Hello wonderful tbudl@thebat.dutaint.com,

  Some questions that  the helpfile don't fully answers:

  Are  there  compatibillity  issues   to consider between backups from the bat
  v3.15.10 and the bat v2.12.04?
  This   is  important  if  I  would  like to go back to v2.12.04 from v3.51.10
  (tryout version) via a  backupfile!

  -Or should I just install the v2.12.04 over the v3.51.10?
  I  might  not purchase a businesslicense of the bat v3.5 right now, thats why
  this   i   important   to know.

  When operating the bat in servermode as a server for other e-mail clients are
  there  compatibillity  issues  between different verions of the bat if I lets
  say   use   a   the   bat  v2.12.04  as  a mail server, and others are  using
  thunderbird  (versions  are   unknown to me), becky  (versions are unknown to
  me)  or  the  bat  v1.6,  v2.12 or v3.51?

  May the bat work simultaneous as non-TCP/IP based mailserver and TCP/IP based

  -How well does the bat work in a VPN, as server?  (preferably my old licenses
  for v1.6 and v2.12) Any drawbacks with IPSec?

  (My    own    experiences    comes  from  using  the  bat v1.3  to  v2.12  in
  standalone workstation mode with TCP/IP)


kind regards,
 qe3ee                       mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
E fructu arbor cognoscitur
16:26:41 den 29 augusti 2005
The Bat! v3.51.10
Windows XP.5.1.2600 

if this mail has a virus please throw it away and notify me :)

Current version is 3.51.10 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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