On Saturday, October 29, 2005, 4:03:22 AM, you wrote:

> Hi,

> On Saturday, October 29, 2005 at 9:23:04 AM, Alexander S. Kunz wrote:

>>> Looks likely! Does Ritlabs have any documentation on this, or a direct
>>> link for the download. (The one offered no longer gives a single choice.)

>> If you search microsoft.com as described in Andre's message you'll find the
>> download.

> Confirmed there. The way it's described is the good way. And it's not
> a big file. I think it's 250 Kb or something like that.

> Once you've downloaded the file, place it on the C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM
> directory and it works fine.

Funny, when I do the same thing I get a list of eight files, none of
which is obviously what I need:



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