Hello John Sherman & everyone else,

on 03-Nov-2005 at 15:50 you (John Sherman) wrote:

> Any ideas?

The only thing that YOU can do is to disable TB's X-Mailer header, so that
no one can see that you are using TB. Go to Options | Preferences | General
and un-check the "Use X-Mailer header..." tickbox.

And please, report the problem to the id***s that maintain Spam Assassin.

[SA is never up to date when it comes to non-mainstream email clients.
Messages sent with a new or beta version of TB (in other words, with a
version information in the X-Mailer header they don't know about) get an
increased spam percentage. I don't know how stupid one must be to take the
X-Mailer header into account for spam evaluation, because of all the spam I
receive, the X-Mailer header is just perfect!]

Best regards,
 Alexander (http://www.neurowerx.de - ICQ 238153981)

The development of Hydro-electric power in the desert of North America
awaits only the introduction of water. -- Statement in "Nuclear News"

Current version is 3.62.09 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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