Alexander S. Kunz:

> IMHO, the settings for the Windows editor should be separated from Microed.
> If one chooses to hard-wrap messages at column 72 or whatever, TB should do
> so before sending to supply the same "WYSIWYG" principle of Microed.
> But if one chooses to use the "flowed" format (aka the way the Windows
> editor is working now), it should a) add the "flowed" headers to the
> outgoing message and b) not cause the false impression of wrapping by
> formatting the text while typing (but using the fill window width just as
> well).

No. I don't want format flowed. I want at least one typing mode capable to
automatically reformat paragraphs separated by *one* hit of my return key when
I'm editing the message, *and* I want to send my messages with hard returns at
the end of each line. 

A proper solution, IMO, would be like the one proposed by Bill McQuillan in
the bug report page that you indicated.

If you don't want to call such an editor a wysiwyg one anymore, so be it. For
me, it is: what I /see/ is exactly what I'll get when I send the message. Is
what I /code/ that's different, and only while I'm typing, but who cares? TB
already has another what-you-/code/-is-what-you-get editor, so let's people
out here get at least one Agent-like editor, among the three (!) that TB
already has.

This thing is a must for a mail client, a primary and elemetary feature. There
are two reasons why I didn't give up long time ago with TB: (1) Ritlabs
introduced the "Windows-like" editor and I still hope they'll make it work the
way I hope, (2) I desperately need templates, macros and automations. If I
didn't need (2) I would have uninstalled The Bat and forgotten Ritlabs the
split moment I realized the way TB forces me to type.

Luca - e-mail: p.stevens at

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