Friday, December 30, 2005, 5:44:06 AM, Curtis wrote:

C> Are you using any plug-ins or utilities acting as mail proxies, like an
C> anti-spam tool or anti-virus agent? If so, disable all of them and let
C> TB! run on its own. See how it goes. Your problem is likely unique to
C> your system and TB! installation, so the trouble shooting will have to
C> take place mainly on your system.

I am running NO plugins, good thought, though.

C> TB! has been running here for over 12 hours and it's now using 26MB of
C> RAM and 44MB of VM. Peak Mem Usage is 49MB. Only one TB! plug-in is in
C> use and it's that for AVG anti-virus.

Like I said, over time, RAM usage ticks down. After a few  hours it's
usually in the 20-30MB range of RAM. However, it's still completely
hogging the virtual memory.

It's odd because sometimes it starts up fine with no abnormal
consumption (though, this hasn't happened since I upgraded to the
newest release), but usually it's just gone totally wacky overload on
memory usage.


Current version is 3.64.01 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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