On Wed, 11 Jan 2006 08:02:25 -0500, MikeD (2) wrote:

> But I wasn't particularly 'religious' about checking the stats. I was
> more interested in the results <g>

Well, for sure, but I've been running 'FileMon' and it seems to me that
BayesIt isn't working quite right. It seems as if it tries to open
~stat.bin as well as stat.bin. Unfortunately ~stat.bin doesn't exist. I
tried making a copy of stat.bin and renaming it to ~stat.bin but BayesIt
just deletes it at the end of the session.

If I remove both files then BayesIt doesn't recreate either, which I would
have expected it to do.

Best regards

Using TheBat! version 3.64.01 (Christmas Edition)
and BayesIt! 0.8.4 Release

Current version is 3.64.01 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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