Dear Alexander,

   -->> Sonntag, 15. Januar 2006, 11:13:00:

> I just checked my VF filter again. Its a little bit different from
> what I described first, ahem. :-)

;) No problem ...

> You can't filter on "Header field" in a VF (I should file a
> wish/bugreport), thats why I initially colour replies to me
> differently.

Ok let's go!

> 1. I have a normal filter (I call it "directly to me") with the
>    condition "Header field, In-Reply-To, contains,"
>    which sets a colour group (that I also called "directly to me",
>    and it also gives the message really a different colour, not just
>    the group attribute).

Creating the Standard Filter goes fine except there is one little
difference to your explanation: I can't find/don't have the
'In-Reply-To' in the drop down choice. I see you have the same
TB!version as me but still it should be present for me if it is for
you. I can see 'Reply-To' but this is not the same. Also 'Message-ID'
I have, also this is not the same.

Any Idea what I do wrong??

> 2. The VF filter condition is
>    "Colour group, is, 'directly to me'"
>    AND "Message (attributes), is not, 'replied'"
>    AND "Age, is less than, 60 days"

This went fine - at least!

   liebe GrĂ¼sse
    Eddie :ec:
      on Tour

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