Hello Chris,

>>> Can someone tell me where to find the filter log (re-filter mail, log
>>> option checked) in v3.64.01?
>> Select 'Account/View log' on your main menu or Shift+Ctrl+A.
> I've looked in there, and there is nothing about filters. All that is listed 
> is
> messages sent, messages received.

Clear your log before re-filtering and you will see that filter actions
are logged. For example, Incoming filters include a FETCH line.

> I want to find out why a filter that should be working is not working,
> but I can't do it without some sort of log. The 'log filtering resul
> ts' option is ticked, but if that is where the log is, then nothing is
> produced.

You can test filters by selecting a message in your Message List pane,
right clicking on it and selecting 'Test filter'. With this, you get
direct feedback of what filters are triggered and the action that "would
have been taken". That is, because it is just a test, actions are not
actually taken.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v3.65.03

Current version is 3.65.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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