Hello Bob,

Thursday, January 19, 2006, 11:15:14 PM, you wrote:

BM> G'day Jack,

BM> Friday, January 20, 2006, 1:20:39 PM, you wrote:

BM> <snipped>

>> I see where my wording on this question may have caused you to
>> misunderstand. If we assume there are no parked messages but only
>> saved, ready-to-send messages, and I choose GET NEW MAIL FOR ALL I
>> would expect TB to do only a receive, not a send/receive which is what
>> it does. I would expect a send/receive only if I had chosen SEND +

BM> Have you checked Account Properties - Transport to see if the box
BM> marked "Combined Delivery (Send + Receive)" is ticked.  If the box is
BM> ticked The Bat! will do both actions together whenever you ask it to
BM> Send OR Check for new mail.

That was it. Thank you Bob.

Best regards,
 Jack                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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