Hash: RIPEMD160

    Hi rich! Was Mon, 13 Feb 2006, at 00:56:57 -0500,
    when you wrote:

>> IF SUBJECT snippet = [SPAM] do nothing
>> IF SUBJECT snippet = [anything/else] remove it (including the []s)

> ...can do that with X-Ray, and it would look like this string then...
>        $CutStr($Subject, [loony-list-boohoo])
> .....typed in into the Kludge-Value box, for POP3 filters.

> If you prefer such a solution, install X-Ray and I'll tell you further
> details.

> ==========================================

> Thanks MM.  I am answering off-list as this is not TB! related.

There's no problem with off-list responses, Rich, but this indeed is a
TB related topic (the reason I response on-list), since X-Ray is by its
author specifically dedicated to TB (although is possible to use it with
other mailers too) as an extension of its filtering capabilities,
precisely to fill the gap in editing header part of message, which is by
Flying Mammal's anthology of canons tabooed.

I also use X-Ray to add the "Sent" header in my outgoing messages, since
TB cannot understand difference of the time of last edition of a message
and of sending it.

> OK, X-Ray is installed. I see it needs to act as a proxy which might
> make setup a little tricky as SpamPal is set at present to act as my
> POP-Proxy.

I wouldn't know how this could be solved since X-Ray is the only
application I use, at a time, between TB and the rest of the world...
Maybe some sort of chain connections... Someone else I suppose would
know better.

> What is next?

The next would be this...


In X-Ray's "Options", under the tab "Servers", you have to add
parameters of the POP3 server you will use for this incoming mail, its
IP address, port number and so on (screen shots go by PM, Blindly
Courtesy Copied).

These parameters/options (individually and altogether) can be also
exported/imported using .ini files. So the other way is to copy this...

X-Ray export data file <0003766455>


...into a plain text editor, to save it with extension "ini", say
"pop_xray.ini", and then under the tab "Server" to right click and
choose "Import..." option. (Replace of course the "pop.gmx.net" address
with the one you use.)


You copy this...

X-Ray export data file <0011539066>

Filter0=0‡1‡1‡Subject‡$CutStr($Subject, [loony-list-boohoo])‡32‡‡

...into a plain text editor, save it with extension "ini", say
"filter-1.ini", and then under the tab "Server" right click and choose
"Import..." option. (Replace of course the "[loony-list-boohoo]" with
what you want to remove from "Subject:" header field of messages.

That would be this. If you have another part in "Subject" fields you
want to remove in your incoming mail, you just add another such a

- --
~~~ For personal mail please use my address as it is *exactly* given
                 in my "From|Reply To" field(s). ~~~
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