On Mon, 27 Feb 2006 at 02:46:06 +0100, Martin wrote:
>> Some of my QTs output text followed by one or more CR/LF. I use this a lot
>> in building my email templates, but the later versions of TB! trim trailing
>> CR/LFs.
> I mentioned this a few days ago on tbbeta, too. Funny there is someone else
> noticing this right now:
> There was no direct solution to this problem found in that discussion.
> I found no other solution than to always have my CRs *before* the
> output, not after. So I changed all my QT to:
> "
> outputting some line"
> ...which in the end gives me the same result: emtpy lines between
> QT-texts.

Not quite the same thing. Most occasions of trailing CR/LF are from %If
macros. I want trailing CR/LF if the output is some text, but nothing if no
text is output. That means I would have to flag to the next QT in the chain
whether or not the previous QT output any text. It's possible, but not as
neat an approach. And since it does work in v3.0.1, I want it to work in

Perhaps you'd like to support my bug report?


Using The Bat! v3.0.1.33
      Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
      Popfile v0.22.3

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