On 26/3/2006 at 9:55:15 AM [GMT -0500], Stephane Bouvard (Ml) wrote:

> Because you request your TB to display the messages wide.

If my or anyone else's TB! window size preference was determined by the
size we'd want our preview panes to be, then there would be no problem.

It would seem that this has been the case since whenever, hence the
convention of wrapping text to a reasonable limit. All clients support
this ability.

Richard's suggestion that TB! should be able to wrap received text to a
user defined limit in the viewer, independent of the preview pane would
be the nice thing to have. However, Pegasus Mail is the only client with
a viewer I've encountered that will do this. I think Becky! is capable
of this as well. But alas, most viewers will not do so.

With clients the way they currently are, it's unlikely that your
preference will gain popularity.

Format=flowed is an interesting system introduced in the RFC to help
tackle this problem. However, it will work only if all clients followed

  -= Curtis =-
The Bat!™ v3.72.04 (Beta) / http://specs.aimlink.name
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...A clean desk is a sign of a cluttered desk drawer.

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