On Thu, 30 Mar 2006 at 13:38:24 +0200, Cory wrote:
> My colleague today noticed that the Created and Received times are
> incorrectly displayed after the DST change of March 26.
> Our time zone is UTC+1, but messages created before the DST change are
> now displayed with UTC+2; for example 24-03-2006 14:55:00, while the
> message actually was created 24-03-2006 13:55:00 - and IMHO opinion
> should display the actual creation time of that moment, and not
> "corrected" with the current DST. Same applies for Received, of
> course.

The created time doesn't change, it is stored in the header of the email and
isn't altered by TB!. However it is interpreted into your current time zone.

Now, I guess TB! could actually do one of two things:
   1. interpret the created time using the current time zone information; or
   2. interpret the created time using the time zone information that was in
      place when the message was received.

The latter would require storing additional information about the message,
but it could be done along with the read/unread status, colour group status

Each approach raises its own problems.

The first way, which is what is currently done, causes the problems you have 

The second way means that people who travel between time zones would see
inconsistencies between the apparent created times of messages, in
particular messages that respond to one another. So, for instance, if I
travel from Melbourne to Perth, my timezone would currently change from
UTC+1100 to UTC+0800. I might send an email from the airport before I leave
at say 11:00, and my colleague in Perth might respond to it 5 mins later
when I am boarding the plane. I pick up his response at Perth airport, but
because I have changed time zones, it would appear to have been sent at
08:05, nearly 3 hours before my original was sent. And if the created time
was fixed for ever, and didn't adjust with my current time zone, this would
always remain an apparent contradiction.

Now neither problem is really much more than an annoyance to me, but of the
two, I would rather have the problem raised by the first (the current)
approach, than the second. Of course, if you don't travel between time zones
much, the second would very rarely be a problem for you and you might prefer
things the other way around.


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