Hello Marten Gallagher & everyone else,

on 18-Jun-2006 at 22:47 you (Marten Gallagher) wrote:

> "PopFile is the only fully-configurable and adjustable spam filtering system
> that works properly with TB"

If your only goal is spam filtering, SpamPal and K9 work just as well
and are lighter on the resources than PopFile (and much faster).

> All the other plug-ins are either not good enough or are just not
> sufficiently configurable - black list/whitelist / magnet/bucket etc
> system such as in POPFile.

I think you are right that the finer classification methods of PopFile
with its buckets and magnets system are unique, but the normal spam
filtering features are available in the aforemention programs (and most
likely others that work as a local proxy) as well.

Best regards,
 Alexander (http://www.neurowerx.de)

Violence breeds more violence, and it is predicted that by 1990
kidnapping will be the dominant mode of social interaction. -- Woody

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