Hello Tim,

Tuesday, July 4, 2006, 9:55:55 PM, you wrote:
> Decided I would like to have a signature file for certain emails and
> don't seem to be able to figure out what to do first. I have a
> picture to add as well and need some help. Anyone have any expertise
> in doing this? Seems a bit more complicated than what I experienced
> in Eudora. When I went to the help menue to look up Signature, there
> was no information on how to create one. I have to assume TB doesn't
> call it a signature file since there is nothing in the Help menu on
> how to create one.

Just for the sake of expediency, do this:

In C:\temp create a file called sig.txt. In it put the following text:

Tim Hamm
this is my sig

Save it.

Now in TheBat (TB) go to Account -> Properties
Then go to Templates / New Message

At the end of the template put in:

Close the account properties.

Create a new message.

Once you've verified that at the end of your message is the expected:
Tim Hamm
this is my sig

then you can change the sig.txt file to say what you want. You can
also move the sig.txt file to wherever you want but just remember to
update the new message template with the correct path to sig.txt.

As for inserting a .gif file, right now you can't.

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