On Tuesday, September 19, 2006, at 4:57:36 PM, you wrote:

> Hi

> On Monday 18 September 2006 at 9:59:05 PM, in
> <mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Leonard S.
> Berkowitz wrote:

>> The box that I unchecked (that solved the problem) describes
>> previewing messages; I was reading them.

> I nearly always /read/ them in the "preview pane" (-;

>> --

> BTW, your cut mark seems to have lost the trailing space

I'll fix that right away. That's related to the problem that I posted
on a different thread: that ThBat does not addressee-specific reply
template and instead defaults to the account rely template, where
there is a trailing space.


TheBat, version 3.85.03

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