Hello Miguel!

On Saturday, September 30, 2006, 7:09 AM, you wrote:

M>>> It looks like it doesn't work if the second *, / or _ is the last
M>>> character in a line.
>> Interesting because I posted a response to Mary at the same blink that
>> yours arrived and now, on reading it, I see my bold and _underscore_
>> aren't showing because they're directly followed by a "," in the first
>> instance and a "." in the second.

> It looks like "my file" (which I didn't invent, BTW) doesn't work if the
> closing *, / or _ is not followed by a space. But don't ask me why.

It's okay. Now that we know, it's an easy work-around.

And I should have seen that intuitively. Because there must be spaces
around the colons which enclose the plain-text smiley handles, for the
smiley image to be called. :thumbup:

This is part of the smiley capability, merely extended. "Use smiley
icons in HTML server" in Options/Preferences must be chosen. or the
Smiley box in the right-click context menu in RTV body text must be
checked, for these font styles to work.

Thanks a million for all the help figuring it out, Miguel.

A virtual cold one is on the way!

And I'll drink your health, here, in :batbeer: !

Best regards,
The Bat! 3.85.03 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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