Konrad Szkudlarczyk wrote:

KS> Since a few days Alexander S. Kunz and me exchanging mails about
KS> file txt2html.regexps and undocumented feature in The Bat!.

Wow, this is the coolest TB! trick I've seen in a good long while.
Thanks to all for your efforts on this.

I found I was also able to use it in one specific case as a workaround
for TB!'s current inability to display external images.  I get weather
forecasts emailed to me and the forecasts include links to images
representing the forecast conditions.  Seeing the images makes it a
lot easier to see at a glance what's coming (although here in San
Diego county there are few weather surprises).  Since the set of
possible images is small it was easy to download them all to a local
subdirectory, and I added the following line to txt2html.regexps:

 href="#internal_img#"><img src=".\wunderground\\1" alt="\1"></a>

TB! takes the first equal sign as the end of the regexp, hence the "."
to represent it.  In testing this I also discovered that TB! appears
to read and parse this file before it displays each message, so it
isn't necessary to close and restart TB!; just select a different


Using The Bat! 3.64.01 Christmas Edition on Windows XP Pro, Service Pack 2.

Current version is 3.85.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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