
,- - [ Le jeudi 21 décembre 2006 vers 17:50 Jernej Simonèiè écrivait: ] - -
> of that (on my computer it's current memory usage is 126MB, and it needed 73
> seconds of CPU time in 9 hours - 0,2% on average).

Just for information : my TheBat use more than 1Gb memory...  it does not 
handle correctly "very big size emails" that i receive daily (i have emails of 
30Mb with *no* attachments, the body of the mail is 30Mb, it's cron log emails 
of backups,...  when i open such a mail, TheBat use 30x the size of the mail in 

`- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Best regards...
(_'  L'informatique est ma passion, vous la simplifier, mon métier !
,_)téphane Bouvard [antarex AT freenet DOT be] http://www.antarex.be

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