Hello Dwight!

On Sunday, January 21, 2007, 8:47 PM, you wrote:

>> Is there a way to edit a message one has received--not for reply
>> but for filing.

> this, and being able to edit text have been longstanding requests of
> some, which have been opposed, and not adopted because users who
> wish to do this are regarded as bad people who need to be protected
> from themselves.

> Put that way I think is sounds crazy and if you have missed the
> discussions you probably think I am exaggerating. It is, however,
> so. It is thought to be immoral to want to make changes, add notes,
> or condense a message in your database. We should be ashamed for
> wanting to do it.

You are absolutely right about the judgmental tone of the comments in
regard to this feature modification request, whenever it is being

It is of a piece with the status of the "sacred" Outbox.

Current position of developers and their supporters:

1) The Outbox settings must over-ride Address Book settings, when a
message is re-opened from the Outbox.

BTW, please support: https://www.ritlabs.com/bt/view.php?id=6182

2) The Draft folder must exist only as a function of the Outbox.

3) There must not be a separate draft folder.

4) Account headers must over-ride manual re-typing of the From field

5) If you reply to a message from one Account, but wish to show the
address/domain of another account, The Bat! will change the From
setting back when you click Send.

6) Only work-around is to copy the message to a folder in the Account
that you want to show in the From field and then invoke your editor
window for the reply.

7) As noted in this thread, you cannot, inside The Bat!, edit the
subject field, or the time-stamp, either, of a received message for
purposes of filing a message, in order to make its subject line
describe the body contents more accurately.

It's my view that The Bat! should allow the user to edit or modify
anything he/she wishes or needs to modify. And that these manual
modifications should over-ride all template and automatic TB!

Best regards,
The Bat! 3.95.8 on Windows XP Media Center Edition Service Pack 2

Current version is 3.95.06 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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