Hello Michael,

On Sun, 3 Jun 2007 13:40:09 +0100 GMT (03/06/2007, 19:40 +0700 GMT),
Michael Thompson wrote:

MT> I am using the most recent version of FireFox, so it looks like it
MT> still maybe a fix required!

MT>>> Strange behaviour!

>> Strange indeed. TB! opens the system's default browser, so may not a
>> TB! problem, but the system seems to have two defaults. Could be a
>> funny bug in Vista, but I wouldn't know how to check for the default
>> setting there.

MT> Firefox is the default browser on my system, and all other apps work
MT> just fine. Just the Bat has this error. If I set the default email to
MT> Microsoft Mail, itsends mailto links justfine.

It may be that TB! gets something wrong under Vista, I won't rule that
out. I have no idea, as I am still on XP. Maybe other Vista users can



"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
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