Thomas Fernandez @ 2007-7-18 1:39:58 PM
"new user registration" <mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>> OTFE comes to mind.
> I don't like that, because it's a proprietory encryption.

Me too. What if, thirty years from now, Ritlabs has moved on and I
need to get access to *that* message that happens to be encrypted?

> So, unless you want OTFE or need to use Voyager, there are no
> unlocked features in the Home version. Or am I wrong?

You can you the Pro version for business purposes. You're not supposed
to use the Home on for business purposes. However, I can no longer
find the licences in Help...


Using The Bat! v3.99.3 on Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6000.
Accessing a POP3 mailbox.

"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish
-The Doctor

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Current version is 3.99 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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